

Have you been searching for a way to deepen your emotional intelligence and elevate your leadership capabilities? Or perhaps you're dreaming of guiding others as a life, executive, or leadership coach. Our Emotional Intelligence Mastery Certification is the bridge to your aspirations, transforming both your personal and professional journeys.

At Triangle Life Coaching Academy, we're excited to present our prestigious Emotional Mindset Mastery™ (EMM) Certification Programs. Tailored to develop your skills and knowledge, this program is perfect for aspiring life coaches and professionals seeking to enhance their leadership and emotional intelligence. Join us for an experience that promises personal and professional transformation.

Here’s what you can expect:

Expert-Led Instruction
Receive guidance from top ICF-credentialed coaches who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience. They’ll mentor you in emotional intelligence and leadership, crucial for both personal development and professional excellence.

Robust, Versatile Curriculum
Our EMM certification offers a comprehensive learning experience covering emotional intelligence, leadership skills, and effective communication strategies. Whether you aim to be a coach or a more emotionally intelligent leader in your field, our curriculum caters to a wide range of professional needs.

Practical Application for Real-World Impact
The program focuses on applying emotional intelligence and coaching principles in real-world scenarios. This practical approach is invaluable for anyone looking to enhance their leadership capabilities or coaching skills in a corporate or personal context.

Community and Network Building
Join a diverse cohort of professionals, future coaches, and leaders. This network fosters a collaborative learning environment, encouraging the exchange of ideas and experiences across various industries.

Valuable Certification for Diverse Career Paths
Completing the EMM™ Certification program not only equips you with vital skills but also awards a recognized credential. This certification is beneficial for those pursuing a career in coaching, leadership roles in various industries, or seeking to enhance their emotional intelligence for personal growth.

Whether you're aiming to become a life coach, leadership coach, or a more emotionally intelligent professional in your industry, TLCA’s EMM™ Certification is your pathway to achieving these goals.

Mastery in Motion

Envisioning the desire


Embracing your beliefs


Re-evaluate limiting beliefs



Empowerment actions

Emotional labeling


EMM™ - Five Pillars of Excellence

  • * Envision your desired outcomes both internally and externally.

    * Align your aspirations with your core beliefs and values for authentic harmony.

    * Recognize how your beliefs and values shape your goals and aspirations.

  • * Explore your belief system, identifying limiting and empowering beliefs.

    * Reevaluate and challenge limiting beliefs to expand your perspective.

    * Cultivate empowering beliefs that align with your desired outcomes.

  • * Develop emotional regulation skills for balance and self-awareness.

    * Engage in emotional labeling, understanding emotions through mind and body.

    * Discover new approaches by managing emotions and exploring their sources.

  • * Strengthen your inner trust in your beliefs, even when facing skepticism from others.

    * Uphold your convictions confidently, anchoring your actions in your authentic self.

    * Have faith in life’s journey, seeing each challenge as a guide to your purpose.

  • * Harness emotional strength to propel yourself toward personal and professional transformation.

    * Take resilience-driven actions that align with your envisioned outcomes.

    * Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and change.